Once you’ve scanned your kids' art and other items, it’s a great idea to attach details too to remember the whole story behind the item. Here’s how.

Adding details

To add details to a scanned item, tap “What’s the story of this item?” underneath it to add a description. In addition to typing out the story, you can choose from these options:

  • A voice recording of up to 60 seconds.
  • Scan and detect text - relevant if the scanned image contains text (written or printed).
  • Scan the back of the item (if it’s double-sided).

Adding tags

You can add tags to scanned items for easy searching down the road. Scroll down to the bottom of the scanned item to see these available tags:

  • Favorites - the heart icon.
  • Date - for a specific date or just the year.
  • Location: Enter a location's name and choose from the listed locations (Google Places).
  • Suggested tags: sort your kids’ items by category (i.e. crafts, doodles, projects, etc.).

Adding details to a locker

We suggest creating a locker for each kid and naming the locker individually so you can quickly sort their creations. Plus, you can also add a profile photo to his/her locker. When inside a locker, tap Unnamed locker to enter the locker details screen.

Adding details to a group of items

You have the option to add details to multiple scanned items with the same details all at once. Once you select a locker, tap Select, then choose the items to which you want to add details. Tap Edit items’ details, then add what you'd like.


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This page was last updated in March 2022